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Enhance your intuition and spiritual awareness

Angelite Towers


Regular price $30.00 USD
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Discover Angelite's Healing Power!

Crafted from genuine anhydrite, this milky blue crystal is renowned for its profound healing properties and spiritual significance.

Healing Properties: 

Angelite is not just a crystal; it's a gateway to spiritual awakening and profound inner peace. Its gentle energy radiates calming vibrations, relieving stress and anxiety while promoting tranquility and serenity in your mind, body, and soul.

Connect effortlessly with your spirit guides and guardian angels as Angelite opens the channels of communication between realms. Feel empowered to conquer your fears and release the blockages that hinder your growth, as Angelite encourages forgiveness and acceptance on all levels.

Experience heightened intuition and clairvoyance as Angelite sharpens your psychic abilities, guiding you towards greater insight and understanding. Delve deep into astral travel and soul exploration, as Angelite elevates your consciousness to new realms of spiritual awareness.